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El milagro del pez andante

para voz de barítono y guitarra, textos de Jackson Bliss

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cover of a music score titled, Jupiter. dark starry background with image of the planet Jupiter

I wrote Fossil Light for an orchestration workshop in graduate school back in 2010-11.  The title was inspired by a line in a book where the author referred to starlight as "Fossil Light." Each movement depicts a different viewpoint of the light: the bold, intense sight at the source of the star, the faint, ages-old dots we see in the sky, and the traveling of the light particles in between.  ​Though score and parts are unfortunately unavailable, I'm always up for a commission! Please send me a note if you would be interested in collaborating! 

Send me a note to commission an orchestral work or ask any questions:

Thanks for your message! Cheers - Laura

About the Work


I completed Steps for tenor saxophone and wind ensemble in 2015.  At that point in time, Steps was the second movement of a two-movement work, That Takes Care 'a That (silly name for a dissertation!). Since then, I have decided to turn it into a stand-alone piece.  Below, you'll find the original score and sample recordings. Though revisiting a work that is a few years old can be a daunting task for a composer, there are some moments in Steps that I'm truly excited about developing more.  My goal is to complete the work by 2025. ​


Are you a saxophonist, conductor, or member of an ensemble that would be interested in being part of the process and premiere? Or, would you simply like to be among the first to know when the score and parts are available? Please let me know by filling out the form below.  I'm open to putting together a consortium, and I would much appreciate any help or feedback. 

Send me a note to be part of the process/premiere or to be the first to know when the score is available!

Thanks for your interest in Steps! Can't wait to wrap it up! Cheers - Laura

Be the first to know when the score is available!

Thanks for your interest in Road Through the Expanse! Can't wait to wrap it up! Cheers - Laura


Grabaciones sintetizadas

Steps - Synthesized - Excerpt1Laura M. Kramer
00:00 / 03:04
Steps - Synthesized - Excerpt2Laura M. Kramer
00:00 / 03:10


Nota del programa

El milagro del pez andante es una historia sobre la transformación del Amor, centrada en un niño que deja Todos Santos, un pueblo de Baja California lleno de artesanos, artistas e incluso expatriados de América del Norte, para encontrar a su padre en California. Pero en lugar de encontrar a su padre, el niño conoce a una chica peruana en Los Feliz y se enamora de ella. Juntos toman un autobús a Santa Mónica, conectan con cada uno de sus lugares de origen en la playa y luego arrojan las piedras gemelas del niño al Océano Pacífico. Este es el comienzo de su nueva vida juntos como dos estadounidenses que viven en una ciudad de nuevos comienzos.

El milagro del pez andante evolucionó a partir del curso de Escritor y Compositor de la USC, impartido conjuntamente por los profesores Frank Ticheli y David St. John. Dos de las canciones se interpretaron durante la primavera de 2010, y tanto Jackson Bliss (estudiante de posgrado en escritura) como Laura Kramer (estudiante de posgrado en composición) continuaron colaborando después de finalizar el curso. Un total de doce canciones y cuatro interludios de guitarra se completaron en su totalidad en el verano de 2011, y la obra se estrenó el 24 de septiembre de 2011.

El milagro del pez andanteRecibió el premio BMI Student Composer Award 2012.

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