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für Flöte/Altfl., Klarinette/Bass-Kl., Violine, Cello, Klavier und Schlagzeug

PDF-Sofort-Download: Partitur und Stimmen


cover of a music score titled, Jupiter. dark starry background with image of the planet Jupiter

I wrote Fossil Light for an orchestration workshop in graduate school back in 2010-11.  The title was inspired by a line in a book where the author referred to starlight as "Fossil Light." Each movement depicts a different viewpoint of the light: the bold, intense sight at the source of the star, the faint, ages-old dots we see in the sky, and the traveling of the light particles in between.  ​Though score and parts are unfortunately unavailable, I'm always up for a commission! Please send me a note if you would be interested in collaborating! 

Send me a note to commission an orchestral work or ask any questions:

Thanks for your message! Cheers - Laura

About the Work


I completed Steps for tenor saxophone and wind ensemble in 2015.  At that point in time, Steps was the second movement of a two-movement work, That Takes Care 'a That (silly name for a dissertation!). Since then, I have decided to turn it into a stand-alone piece.  Below, you'll find the original score and sample recordings. Though revisiting a work that is a few years old can be a daunting task for a composer, there are some moments in Steps that I'm truly excited about developing more.  My goal is to complete the work by 2025. ​


Are you a saxophonist, conductor, or member of an ensemble that would be interested in being part of the process and premiere? Or, would you simply like to be among the first to know when the score and parts are available? Please let me know by filling out the form below.  I'm open to putting together a consortium, and I would much appreciate any help or feedback. 

Send me a note to be part of the process/premiere or to be the first to know when the score is available!

Thanks for your interest in Steps! Can't wait to wrap it up! Cheers - Laura

Be the first to know when the score is available!

Thanks for your interest in Road Through the Expanse! Can't wait to wrap it up! Cheers - Laura


Synthetisierte Aufnahmen 

Steps - Synthesized - Excerpt1Laura M. Kramer
00:00 / 03:04
Steps - Synthesized - Excerpt2Laura M. Kramer
00:00 / 03:10



Wendepunkte präsentiert vier zentrale musikalische Ideen: eine offene Quintenresonanz, eine sich schnell wiederholende Single-Pitch-Figur, schwungvolle, jazzartige Sprünge und eine gleitende Melodie. Auf eher fraktale Weise kombiniert, kann jede Idee als ein beweglicher Teil betrachtet werden. So wie sich die Partikel in einem Kaleidoskop verschieben, um kontrastierende Bilder zu erzeugen, sind Manipulationen der musikalischen Gesten inWendepunkte Erstellen Sie neue Themen.

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